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Selectmen Minutes 12-09-04
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Agenda
Thursday – December 9, 2004 – 5:45 pm

Present: Chairman, William Brooks; Selectman; George Rainier; Selectman, Conrad Dumas
The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
Department Heads:
6:00 – Fire Chief, Loren White –
·       Ambulance service – White discussed the ambulance services with Peterborough.  Selectmen reviewed the letter from the Wilton/Lyndeborough Ambulance Service, this endeavor would be a cost to the town of approximately $12,000.00 –
Peterborough is asking for $6,029.00 in 2005 – there has been no cost for Peterborough service for several years – there is no contract that anyone is aware of.  Selectman Dumas asked what the proper protocol is if we were to discontinue use with Peterborough.  White believes it is on annual basis.
White stated the cost of Wilton/Lyndeborough would be discussed further with them.  Nothing is definite either way.  White stated he has spoken with Chief Lenox of Peterborough recently, there does not appear to be any problem with the Peterborough fire/rescue at this point.  They are amicable at this point to working with the Town of Greenfield.  
Discussion followed.
Decision:    Selectmen, Chief Hall and Chief White will meet with Peterborough & Lyndeborough Rescue services, independently, working together to reach a satisfactory decision.  If necessary the meeting will be on another evening than a Thursday.  Deb will be the liaison for the Depts.
Other Fire Dept. Business –
·       Fire Station - Within the last month, a mishap with one of the overhead doors. Price from Keene Door was approximately $750.00.    
·       Budget - Reviewed memo from Board of Selectmen regarding the overage of Gen. Gov’t Building, and transferring some of the costs to the Fire Dept., discussion followed – Chief White stated he was ok with transferring funds if necessary.

There were no appointments scheduled
On – going matters:
Recycling Bay – Recycling Bay update –  
·       Clarification – Comment had been made recently that NRRA met with Mr. Pelkey and not the DES.  We received a letter and it was the DES that met with Frank, not NRRA as was indicated.  The only problem the DES found was that there was no permit to upgrade the existing building.  Paperwork is currently being processed to correct that concern.
·       Insulation – Three quotes for insulation of the addition to the building – they will be from JA Jubb, Builders Insulation & Mortite.

Other Business:
Minutes - Accepted the minutes of November 18, 2004 Selectmen’s Meeting as written.
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R, A/P & Invoices
·       LGC insurance or stay with PRIMEX & LGC? We need to return paperwork and/or send a letter to PRIMEX.
·       Letter to John Haithcock – White Pine Builders – CU property cannot be posted if they receive the 20% recreational adjustment.
·       Letter to State 911 Dept. naming 3 New Road names for shared drives.

Mail –  Review misc. incoming mail –
·       Fax from John Teague –
·       Letter from the GIVers, offering to pay $65.00 for the use of the Meeting House the day the building had been rented by a resident and they used the building not knowing it had been rented.  Selectmen instructed Deb to return the check to the GIVers, as it was an honest misunderstanding.

Budget/Personnel Policies –
Personnel Policies - Have you reviewed the personnel policies? Are you ready to accept a draft and/or work on this policy?  This has been on the clipboard since August; this needs to be addressed to assure employees are being paid properly for overtime, and other items.
Budget –  
·       Electrician - There were no budgeted funds for an electrician for the installation of the alarm system.  To date, we haven’t received quotes; Russell Electric has done the work.  The contract with Monadnock Security does not mention the town needing to hire an electrician, it was understood the cost of the electrician was included in the quote.  
Decision:  Selectmen instructed Deb to review the contract and contact Monadnock Security, discuss the possibility of them incurring either all or part of this expense whereas we did not anticipate this expense.
·       Parking Lot Lighting – It was discussed this has been on going – The office has received two complaints so far this fall.  Deb asked if the Selectmen want to have Russell Electric install a light when they are here working on the alarm?  Discussion followed.  No decision was made at this time.
·       High Speed Internet access – It was recently, incorrectly stated that the Selectmen will not allow cable in town.  As a result, the Selectmen instructed Deb to look into if Adelphia would provide some sort of cable access, at least to the downtown area, Deb contact Verizon as well.  She will report to the Selectmen of her findings.
Recycle Tickets – As I stated last week, I provided Leta Marhkum, Greenfield Commons Director, with a recycle ticket to be used for those elders who have items to dispose of but don’t have a vehicle.   The items which one elderly woman wanted to dispose of, was not garbage, it was recyclables.  They do use the dumpster provided at the Commons for their garbage.  The items that were disposed of were an exercise bike, furniture, mattress etc.  it was a one time deal.    Selectman Rainier stated that the Site plan review records should show they stated they would not use the recycling center.  He will find the old records and provide the central office with them.
Cavender Road -  Khouw property file was reviewed.  Mrs. Khouw will be in touch, with the Town after she hears from Smith Harriman.
Credit Card – The Town needs to have a credit card.  There are items, which need to be paid via credit card, and employees should not be incurring the cost.  Selectmen authorized Deb to have our bank issue a credit card for use by central office.  Items that currently need to be purchased on or before January are:
Government Domain Name
New Drum for the Brother copier

Personnel Issues –
7:30 PM – in accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (a) motion by Selectman Dumas to enter a non-public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Rainier.  Voted Affirmatively.
8:00 PM Selectman Brooks motioned to enter out of non-public session and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Rainier.  Voted Affirmatively.

8:05 PM – in accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (a) motion by Selectman Dumas to enter a non public session.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Rainier.  Voted Affirmatively.
8:45 PM Selectman Brooks motioned to enter out of non-public session and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Selectmen Brooks & Rainier.  Voted Affirmatively.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at   8:45 pm.  The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting is Thursday, December 16, 2004 at 5:45 pm.